Whether you're taking a short weekend getaway or driving across the country, it can be tough to keep children entertained during those long hours in the car. "Are we there yet?" and "I'm bored!" can quickly become your kids' mantras if you aren't careful. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to lessen the amount of groans coming from the backseat. Here are three creative ideas to keep kids busy on your next road trip:
1. Make some mystery bags.
Children often get bored during lengthy car trips because of the monotony of it all. Looking out the window to see mile after mile of highways can seem unbearable to a child. You can add a little excitement to the experience by packing some mystery bags for your kid. Purchase some colorful paper bags and fill each one with a few small toys and games. Pack enough bags so that your child can open a new one for every hour of the trip. You'll provide something to look forward to as well as keep him or her busy with activities until the next bag is opened. A discount or dollar store is a great place to buy your supplies. You'll likely get everything you need for less than $10. That's a small price to pay for preserving the peace while you're on the road!
2. Start a brochure collection.
Many kids like to collect and swap trading cards. Travel brochures can serve as fun stand-ins for those cards. Whenever you stop at a restaurant, hotel or rest area, allow your children to pick out several brochures from the kiosk that's typically located at the front entrance of each site. This will break up the trip and give each child a chance to stretch his or her legs. It will also provide several hours of amusement. Kids can look through the pictures in their chosen brochures and then trade different designs with their siblings. Best of all, brochures are typically free and available almost anywhere you might stop along the way.
3. Play the "chain game."
Another method of passing time while you're on the road is to play a word game together. Have one person start by saying a phrase. The next person will use the last word of that phrase to form a new one. For example, "grape jelly" becomes "jelly donut." "Jelly donut" becomes "donut hole." "Donut hole" becomes "hole in one" and so on. If someone can't think of a new phrase, he or she can get a bit of help from everyone else in the car or even start a new chain. This game promotes teamwork and can help increase your little ones' vocabularies. Plus, it will keep your kids' minds off all those miles you're traveling.
Children often get a little antsy when they're confined to the car for long periods of time. Luckily, the ideas on this list can provide some exciting ways to pass the hours of your next road trip. Give one or all of them a try the next time you hit the road!
Road Trip Survival Guide: Creative Ideas to Keep Kids Busy In the Backseat