Many parents dread rainy days. They often result in bored kids who are constantly fighting with each other. Normal entertainment, such as movies or video games, can only keep them occupied for so long. That is when it is time to break out the rainy day activities! These fun games and projects should be saved for rainy days only. This way they will always be new and exciting for your children.
1) Homemade Play-Dough: This is so easy to make and will keep your children busy for hours. Just follow the simple recipe below.
Mix the follow ingredients in a saucepan and cook until boiling:
1½ Cups Table Salt
3 Cups Water
1 Tablespoon Cooking Oil
1 Tablespoon Cream of Tarter
Remove from heat and add:
3 Cups Flour
Mix well. When sufficiently cool, knead it until it gains the proper consistency.
Divide the dough between the children and allow them to pick a color. Add a few drops of food coloring to each lump and knead again. Allow your children to take over when there is no more danger of food coloring stains.
2) Flour Towers: Set your kids down on the kitchen floor or at another smooth surface. Teach them to pack flour into plastic cups and turn them over, loosening the cups, to create towers of flour. Place a marble on top and let them shave away flour with a butter knife. The child whose marble stays on top the longest wins! Let your children be creative and invent their own flour games. When they are done, gather the flour into a container for another rainy day.
3) Playing in the Rain: What?! you may be thinking. Why would I let my kids play in the rain? As long as it is not too cold, your children will have a wonderful time frolicking in the water outside. Slip them into their bathing suits or grungy clothes. Let them know that they can stay out for as long as they want, but that once they come inside they cannot go back out. This is a great time to get some cute pictures as well.
4) Tents: Drag out blankets, pillows and clothespins. Let your children pick a spot and create a glorious tent using chairs, tables, blankets and clothespins. Boys and girls will spend hours setting up their areas and playing with cars and stuffed animals once inside.
5) Letters: Supply paper, crayons, markers, scissors and glue. Encourage your kids to create notes and drawings for their father, grandparents or teachers. Make sure they sign their artwork!
These rainy day activities require very little effort on your part and result in lots of fun. Make sure you teach the children to clean up after themselves. Do not allow them to move on to another activity until they have tidied up. Cleaning up often becomes part of the fun. By the end of the day, you will have happy kids with new memories that will stay with them forever.
Rainy Day Fun