Little Cowboy's Prairie Adventure: A Hearty and Nutritious Puree with Tender Veal, Fresh Cauliflower, and Nutty Durum Wheat, Perfectly Spiced with a Pinch of Cumin and a Touch of Butter, Crafted for Your Little One's Culinary Journey on the Prairie!
½ knob of butter
155 gr of cauliflower
35 gr of wheat
20 gr of veal
1 pinch(s) of cumin
Step 1
Put the durum wheat in the pasta/rice insert with 3 tablespoons of water.
Step 2
Put water in tank 3 and start cooking.
Step 3
Remove the cauliflower leaves, remove the core and only keep the florets. Wash them for several minutes in water with a drop of vinegar added. Chop the florets into 1cm cubes.
Step 4
Cut the veal escalope into small pieces.
Step 5
At the end of the cooking time, remove the pasta/rice insert from the steamer basket.
Step 6
Place the cauliflower in the steamer basket.
Step 7
Place the veal in the steamer basket.
Step 8
Put water in tank 3 and start cooking.
Step 9
Set aside the cooking juice.
Step 10
Pour the content of the basket into the blender bowl.
Step 11
Place the durum wheat into the blender bowl.
Step 12
Place the knob of butter into the blender bowl.
Step 13
Add the cumin to the bowl.
Step 14
Add a part of the cooking juice depending on the desired texture.
Babycook Recipes: Prairie Veal