Bountiful Bulgur: A Nutritious and Tasty Puree Adventure with Spinach, Egg, and a Dash of Cream, Highlighting the Delicious and Wholesome Flavor of Bulgar Wheat!
½ tsp of whipping cream
130 gr of spinach
40 gr of bulgur
10 gr of egg
Step 1
Put the bulgur in the pasta/rice insert with 3 tablespoons of water.
Step 2
Put water in tank 3 and start cooking.
Step 3
In a saucepan, cook the egg (use cold water) with baking soda for 10 minutes after the water boils. When cooked, shell the eggs.
Step 4
Once the bulgur is cooked, remove the pasta/rice insert from the steamer basket. Discard the cooking liquid.
Step 5
Place the spinach in the steamer basket.
Step 6
Put water in tank 2 and start cooking.
Step 7
Set aside the cooking liquid in a small container.
Step 8
Pour the content of the basket into the blender bowl.
Step 9
Add the bulgur to the blender bowl.
Step 10
Place the egg in the blender bowl.
Step 11
Pour the cream into the bowl.
Step 12
Add some of the cooking juice depending on the desired texture.
Babycook Recipes: Bulgur Puree