Parenting can be hard, often there is an overload of information or finding the time to meet with experts can often be challenging, especially as a first-time parent. So, at The Stork Nest New Zealand, we have put together some professionals to provide support on a variety of topics across, pregnancy, post-partum, parenting, sleep, nutrition, and baby wearing.
Our certified team of professionals will deliver informative and educated information monthly on our blog and social media channel, as well as be available via a live event each quarter.
We invite you to join us, as we embark on the parenting journey together.
Who are our experts?
One Mama Midwife
Lauren Brenton, Endorsed Midwife and Clinical Midwifery
Endorsed Midwife and Mum of 4. I started my Midwifery career after having my son Mason and realising that I was destined to be a Midwife. I completed a Bachelor of Midwifery and then a Master of Midwifery. I work full-time in the labour ward and my passion lies with helping families bring their little baby into the world. There is nothing more special than being able to be involved in such a sacred moment in a family’s life.
How Lauren will support you…
Navigate through the sea of google searches for pregnancy and parenting information. Sharing some of those common asked parenting questions and tips to make the journey easier.
Slumber & Spout
Hayley & Katie, Certified sleep specialists and mums!
Between the two of us, we've got 5 little ones . . . including TWINS!
We are the proud owners of Slumber & Sprout where we've been supporting families for several years on all things sleep using our methods that are gentle and practical sleep solutions, that work.
How the team at Slumber & Sprout will support you...
With firsthand experience, Katie & Hayley know how tricky it can be to navigate baby and toddler sleep. So, they are here to help make it easier by sharing their tips and advice on a range of common baby and toddler sleep issues. They'll share their top tips supporting you from newborn right through to toddler sleep.
Feeding the Bump
Kelly Benton, Accredited Nutritionist and Mum of two little ones.
I specialise in nutrition for women throughout pregnancy + postpartum. This is a time in which nutrient demands are some of the highest they will ever be, yet we are so focused on the health of our baby, that we often forget about our own. After my own wild ride to motherhood (which included miscarriage, perinatal anxiety, and postpartum depletion), I am so, so passionate about empowering mothers and mothers-to-be with the latest advice to confidently nourish themselves during this time.
Being a mum of 2, I also have an interest in infant nutrition. We know the first 1,000 days of our little one’s lives is such a critical time to set the foundations for future health and wellbeing yet can be so daunting knowing where to start. I am here to help keep it simple, fun, and nourishing.
How Kelly will support you…
We always focus on the health of our babies but vary rarely on the health of ourselves.
Kelly will be sharing with us some tips to support you through your journey of conception right through to postpartum to better nourish & nurture your body.
Brooke Maree Babywearing
Brooke Maree, Babywearing Educator and Country Leader Kangatraining Australia
I'm a single mama to Elanor (8) and Axel (5). As a young mum with minimal outside influence and pressure, I found my way through motherhood my own way, by following my instincts.
I first used a stretchy wrap when my daughter was a couple of weeks old, and it felt right! I was hooked and I quickly dubbed it “the magical sleepy wrap”. (She slept more in that thing than anywhere else!)
When she was six months old, I realised I didn’t want to leave her for a second to go back to work or study. This is when I took the leap and started my own business in what has become one of my biggest passions: Babywearing!
Nearly 8 years later (and one extra child!) I’ve assisted thousands of parents & health professionals in classes, through private consultations, and online, in finding comfort and confidence with using a baby carrier or sling.
In 2020 Brooke Co-Founded the Australian Babywearing Association and in 2021 she took over as Country Leader for Kangatraining Australia, continuing in roles where she can advocate and promote Babywearing.
How will Brooke support you…
Showing you how simple it can be and to get more enjoyment from your baby carrier, so that a baby carrier becomes as easy to navigate as any other skill you learn when you become a parent.
Practical solutions, so we can get on with life, doing what we’re meant to do as parents (carry our young and keep them close) in a way that supports our demanding lifestyles and the needs of our baby to be loved.
Brooke will also help us navigate exercise and recovery post-partum and beyond.
Mum Bub Nutrition
Abby McLennan BSc, MHNutr baby and Maternal Nutritionist
Hello, I'm Abby!
I am a paediatric nutritionist with a specific interest in helping parents start solids with their babies.
My mission is to provide trusted, clear, and simple nutrition information without the confusion.
"The early years are the toughest years for parenting. There is often so much conflicting information from friends, family, and the internet. I want to show you how to start solids in the easiest way possible so that you can be confident on what and how to offer food to your baby. I love creating quick and easy recipes that nourish your baby for their ever-changing nutrient requirements.
I remember when I started solids with my first born, I found it difficult to navigate the info on how to start solids. I turned this frustration into a business that shares clear, easy and simple support so that any new parent doesn't need to feel unsupported and confused and instead feel calm and informed on the solid journey.
How Abby will help you...
Providing non-judgemental info and support to parents for starting solids, navigating toddler nutrition and support with fussy eating. Whether you're a first time or fourth time parent, I understand that what worked for your first baby, may not work for your next one and I understand navigating nutrition with a toddler and baby isn't easy. My approach is to provide easy, quick and delicious meals that can be eaten by every family member. For individual support, I provide 1:1 consults if you feel you need help with fussy eating or the next steps with starting solids.
TSN NZ Experts