The nine months of pregnancy are a joyful experience for most women, but for some the nausea of pregnancy can make the first trimester almost unbearable. The good news is if you experience the nausea of pregnancy it may predict a good outcome for your unborn baby. Studies have shown that women who experience no nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are more likely to deliver babies of lower birth weight and are more likely to suffer a miscarriage than women who experience symptoms of morning sickness.
Although knowledge that the nausea of pregnancy may predict a positive outcome may be reassuring, some women experience such extreme symptoms that they end up being hospitalized for dehydration. Some are unable to work and may develop depression. Fortunately, the experience of nausea in pregnancy is self-limited, usually subsiding at the end of the first trimester, although it may be a challenge to get through those challenging few weeks. Fortunately, there are natural treatments for the nausea of pregnancy that can help to ease the discomfort.
It’s almost always in the best interest of the mother and unborn child if the symptoms of morning sickness are treated naturally. Prescription medications should be used only after more conservative measures have been exhausted for the protection of the health of the unborn baby.
Although not always effective, simple lifestyle changes may help some women treat the nausea of pregnancy. Since smell is such a prominent factor in bringing on the symptoms, avoiding the odors of breakfast cooking can sometimes help as can increasing the amount of rest to avoid fatigue. Instead of cooking breakfast, it may help for the rest of the family to have cold cereal for the few weeks until morning sickness is no longer an issue. Keeping a salty cracker beside the bed can also help some women deal with the early morning nausea.
Another factor that may help to improve pregnancy related nausea is use of a daily multi-vitamin. Several studies have shown that use of a multivitamin can reduce the symptoms of morning sickness. It’s likely that your doctor will prescribe a multi-vitamin with folic acid for you during pregnancy anyway, just be sure to take it regularly. Some studies have shown that supplemental doses of vitamin B6 can improve the symptoms of nausea in pregnancy. This maybe a viable option but be sure to clear it with your doctor before starting this therapy.
A variety of studies have looked at the use of ginger for the natural treatment of the nausea of pregnancy. Most of these studies have shown some benefit using a gram of ginger per day. Unfortunately, studies have not been conducted to evaluate the safety of using ginger during pregnancy. This is one you should clear with your doctor.
A final natural option for treatment of nausea in pregnancy is the use of acupressure which involves applying pressure to certain areas of the body, usually the arm, to relieve nausea. Acupressure wristbands can be purchased for this purpose. Although safe, studies looking at effectiveness of this treatment have shown inconsistent results.
Be sure to ask your doctor before taking any type of treatment for the nausea of pregnancy to ensure the safety of your unborn child.
Natural Treatments for Morning Sickness