Tiny Tummies Rejoice with this Aubergine Chicken Curry Bliss!
½ tsp of lemon juice
170 gr of aubergine
30 gr of chicken breast
25 gr of pasta
2 pinch(s) of curry
½ tsp of olive oil
Step 1
Prepare a marinade made from ½ teaspoon lemon and a pinch of curry. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces and leave to marinate for at least ¼ hour. Water can be added to the marinade to increase the amount of marinade.
Step 2
Put the pasta in the pasta/rice cooker with 3 tablespoons of water.
Step 3
Put water in tank 3 and start cooking.
Step 4
Carefully wash the aubergine and remove the stem. Cut into small 1cm cubes.
Step 5
At the end of the cooking time, remove the pasta/rice insert from the steamer basket.
Step 6
Place the aubergine in the steamer basket.
Step 7
Place the chicken breast in the steamer basket.
Step 8
Put water in tank 3 and start cooking.
Step 9
Set aside the cooking juice.
Step 10
Pour the content of the basket into the blender bowl.
Step 11
Pour the olive oil into the blender bowl.
Step 12
Place the pasta into the blender bowl.
Step 13
Add a part of the cooking juice depending on the desired texture.
Babycook Recipes: Aubergine Chicken Curry